Team Trophy Racing offered in 2020 Newport to Ensenada Race

The Newport Ocean Sailing Association (NOSA) is pleased to announce a partnership with the Storm Trysail Club (STC) in promoting team-based racing in the 2020 Newport to Ensenada International Yacht Race (N2E), the largest international yacht race in North America.

New trophies are being offered by STC for the top three-boat team in this year’s 73rd edition of the race that starts on April 24, 2020.

An amendment to the Notice of Race is now published that states prizes will be awarded to the 3-boat team skippers who compile the best team score, as determined by using the total of each team member’s percentage placement in its respective class.

There is no limitation on the criteria to form a team: it may be composed of members of the same club, alumni from the same school, old shipmates who are now racing different boats, etc – any social, recreational, geographic or cultural affiliation that three entries may have in common is acceptable.

There are numerous classes of monohulls and multihulls racing in the 2020 N2E that include PHRF, ORR, ORCA and an Unlimited class for first-to-finish contenders.

Teams may be formed from any three-boat combination of entries from any of these classes provided no more than two are from the same start class. The list of start classes is available after the close of regular entry registration, on or about April 1st, but teams may be registered starting now.

“We’re pleased to offer this promotional award to NOSA, a West Coast club that supports ocean sailing very much like our own does wherever our members sail, particularly on the East Coast,” said STC Commodore AJ Evans.

“We have found this an effective and popular way to promote camaraderie and add another fun element to the competition.”

Last year at other prominent offshore races such as the 50th Transpac race from Los Angeles to Honolulu and the 2019 Chicago-Mackinac Race nearly a third of each fleet formed teams to be eligible for Storm Trysail team trophies.

“This is yet another new innovation we are offering in this year’s N2E,” said NOSA commodore Bill Gibbs. “Our mission of getting more sailors out to enjoy ocean racing in a competitive and safe environment is very much aligned with Storm Trysail’s, and this new trophy offers another dimension of competitive fun to the race. We expect a strong turnout in April.”

To enter the Storm Trysail Club team competition, sign up on the NOSA website at:

Team entries are accepted up until one week prior to the start, with the deadline set at 1700 April 17th, 2020.

For more information on the 73rd Newport to Ensenada Race, visit, and to enter visit:

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