Rolex Sydney Hobart concludes with prize giving

The Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race came to an end on January 1 at the Royal Club of Tasmania, where the Official Prize Giving took place. 

Welcoming guests, including Her Excellency, the Honourable Kate Warner, A.M. Governor of Tasmania, Commodore Richard Batt from Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania first paid tribute to Sam Langford and Tim Jones, the pilot and photographer respectively who tragically lost their lives in a light airplane crash during the race. He also paid tribute to the seven race crews who stood by and a silence was held.

Batt then said: “Today is a celebration and I would like to congratulate all winners. It is a privilege to be involved with the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia and the race sponsor, Rolex.

“I would also like to thank and acknowledge all our volunteers and look forward to seeing you all for the 71st race to Hobart.”

Her Excellency Professor Kate Warner responded also recognised the loss of Sam Langford and Tim Jones, adding, “Our thoughts are will their families and friends.”

Her Excellency continued, “I have a childhood memory of going aboard a yacht in the race years ago owned by Dr Jim Lockwood – and of my father falling off a boat in Constitution Dock after too much merriment,” she said.

“What a race – what a dramatic start with Comanche. Every year the race has stories that inspire, and this year they included Spirit of Mateship with their Mates4Mates (a program returned Australian soldiers have to help to piece together those with physical and mental fractures) were among these.

“I have also been struck by the disappointments, such as Occasional Coarse Language Too (Warwick Sherman who sailed his first race two years ago while undergoing chemotherapy for cancer). I think he deserved better. And Wedgetail, dismasted two years running.

“I saw the smallest boat in the fleet, Maluka of Kermandie – and then at the other end, the duel between Wild Oats Xi and Comanche was special.”

Her Excellency presented trophies. For the Yacht Travelling from the Furthest Port to Compete, the Polish Trophy went to Selma Expeditions (Krzysztof Jasica) and to Kathartis II (Mariusz Koper), both from Poland.

First Armed Services Yacht on Corrected Time, the Oggin Cup to Spirit of Mateship, Russell McCart, RSL Queensland Branch.

For most meritorious performance as judged by the race committee, the Rani Trophy goes to Mistraal, Jacinta and Brett Cooper.

First Yacht Out of Sydney Heads, theJack Rooklyn Memorial Trophy and Replica to Comanche, Jim Clark and Kristy Hinze-Clark.

First Yacht Due South of Tasman Island, the F and J Livingstone and Replica goes to Wild Oats XI, Robert Oatley.

Third Over the Line, the CYCA Trophy goes to Ragamuffin 100, Syd Fischer.

Second Over the Line, the CYCA Trophy, goes to Comanche, Jim Clark and Kristy Hinze-Clark.

Line Honours: The J.H Illingworth Trophy and Replica goes to Wild Oats XI, Robert Oatley.  The Rolex timepiece was presented by Jean-Noel Bioul, Rolex SA.

Accepting for Bob Oatley, his skipper Mark Richards said, “On behalf of Bob and the Wild Oats XI crew, I thank the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia – this is the best organised yachting event in the world – and we’re looking forward to the 71st race. Thanks to Rolex, we are very fortunate to have them as a sponsor.”

Commodore Richard Batt, RYCT Commodore, presented the following trophies.

First Cruising Division, the CYCA Trophy, to Mistraal, Jacinta and Brett Cooper.

Third PHS Division 2, the CYCA Trophy to CQRIT Inca, Noel Sneddon.

Second PHS Division 2, the CYCA Trophy to Quetzalcoatl, Antony Sweetapple, Anthony Bruce and James Lee-Warner.

First PHS Division 2, the CYCA Trophy to She’s The Culprit, The Culprit Syndicate.

Third PHS Division 1, the CYCA Trophy to Tevake II, Angus Fletcher.

Second PHS Division 1, the CYCA Trophy, to Ocean Affinity, Stewart Lewis.

First PHS Division 1, RANSA Trophy and CYCA Trophy to Art Equity Mahligai, Murray Owens and Jennifer Kings.

First Female Skipper, Jane Tate Memorial Trophy to Sibby Ilzhofer, Dare Devil.

First Yacht Under 9.5m Across the Finishing Line, the Plum Crazy Trophy to Kraken, Todd Giraudo.

First Tasmanian Boat IRC, the TasPorts Trophy, which goes to Audere, Michael Pritchard.

Third ORCi Division 4, the CYCA Trophy goes to Quikpoint Azzurro, Shane Kearns.

Second ORCi Division 4, the CYCA Trophy goes to Love and War, Simon Kurts.

First ORCi Division 4, the TasPorts Trophy goes to Wild Rose, Roger Hickman.

Third ORCi Division 3, the CYCA Trophy goes to Zen, Gordon Ketelbey.

Second ORCi Division 3, the CYCA Trophy goes to Audere, Michael Pritchard.

First ORCi Division 3, the TasPorts Trophy goes to Ariel, Ron Forster and Phil Damp.

Third ORCi Division 2, the CYCA Trophy, goes to ADA Celestial, Sam Haynes.

Second ORCi Division 2, the CYCA Trophy, goes to Chutzpah, Bruce Taylor.

First ORCi Division 2, the TasPorts Trophy goes to After Midnight, Greg and Mark Tobin.

Third ORCi Division 1, the CYCA Trophy, goes to Balance, Paul Clitheroe.

Second ORCi Division 1, the CYCA Trophy, goes to Terra Firma, Nicholas Bartels.

First ORCi Division 1, the Charleston Trophy, goes to Scarlet Runner, Robert Date.

MC Gordon Bray asked The Honourable Will Hodgman MHA, Premier of Tasmania to the stage. He stated: “The race started in stunning style in Sydney and finished in spectacular style in Hobart.

“We are delighted to support this exciting event and I would like to congratulate all winners and all competitors.”

Third IRC Division 4, the CYCA Trophy goes to Maluka of Kermandie, Sean Langman.

Second IRC Division 4, the CYCA Trophy goes to Love & War, Simon Kurts.

First IRC Division 4, the Sir Arthur Warner Trophy and Replica goes to Wild Rose, Roger Hickman.

Third IRC Division 3, the CYCA Trophy goes to Zen, Gordon Ketelbey.

Second IRC Division 3, the CYCA Trophy goes to After Midnight, Mark and Greg Tobin.

First IRC Division 3, the CYCA Trophy goes to Ariel, Ron Forster and Phil Damp.

RORC Trophy and Replica 25 Year Medallions go to:

Matt Allen

Colin O’Connor

Adam Brown

Phil Molony

Steve Grellis

Sean Langman

Alderman Sue Hickey, Lord Mayor of Hobart, was introduced. “We are privileged to be part of the race and its activities. I was fortunate in going on a boat and see up close and personal Wild Oats XI arrive into Hobart.

“This prestigious race is important for Tasmania. I thank every person in the room for helping put Hobart on the map.

Navigator of First Tasmanian Yacht on Corrected Time, the City of Hobart Trophy goes to Jason Wilke, Audere.

Third IRC Division 2, the CYCA Trophy goes to Cadibarra 8, Paul Roberts.

Second IRC Division 2, the CYCA Trophy goes to ADA Celestial, Sam Haynes.

First IRC Division 2, the Peter Allsop Memorial Trophy and Replica goes to Chutzpah, Bruce Taylor.

Third IRC Division 1, the CYCA Trophy goes to Terra Firma, Nicholas Bartels.

Second IRC Division 1, the CYCA Trophy, goes to Scarlet Runner, Robert Date.

First IRC Division 1, the George Barton Trophy and Replica goes to Patrice, Tony Kirby.

John Cameron, CYCA Commodore, spoke. “I enjoyed it all very much. This year the race lived up to its reputation of a tough and tactical race. Congratulations to Wild Oats XI on taking line honours and to Wild Rose and her Corinthian sailors for winning the race overall for the Tattersall’s Cup.

“I also thank all overseas competitors for supporting this race. It is especially pleasing to have them here for our 70th race. And to all the young sailors currently embracing the race. At the other end of the spectrum we have Tony Cable doing his 49th race and Syd Fischer, the oldest in the fleet at 87, doing his 46th, said the Commodore who went on to thank all involved in the race.

Southern Cross Cup Navigator of top scoring yacht, the Bill Lawler Memorial Trophy and Replica, goes to the CYCA Gold team of St George Midnight Rambler, Tom Barker.

Southern Cross Cup Winning Team Race 1, the MHYC Trophy, goes to the CYCA Gold team of St George Midnight Rambler, ADA Celestial, Balance.

Southern Cross Cup Winning Team Race 2, the RPAYC Centenary Bowl goes to the CYCA Gold team of St George Midnight Rambler, ADA Celestial, Balance.

Southern Cross Cup Winning Team Race 3, the RSYS Cup goes to the CYCA Gold team of St George Midnight Rambler, ADA Celestial, Balance.

Southern Cross Cup Winning Team Race 4, the CYCA Trophy, goes to the CYCA Gold team of St George Midnight Rambler, ADA Celestial, Balance.

Southern Cross Cup Winning Team, the Southern Cross Cup and replica goes to the CYCA Gold team of St George Midnight Rambler (Ed Psaltis/Bob Thomas/Michael Bencsik), ADA Celestial (Sam Haynes), Balance (Paul Clitheroe).

Third IRC Division 0, the CYCA Trophy, Caro, Maximillian Klink.

Second IRC Division 0 the CYCA Trophy goes to Pretty Fly III, Colin Woods.

First IRC Division 0, the Rushcutter Trophy and Replica goes to Victoire, Darryl Hodgkinson.

CYCA Trophy, the Veterans Division (First Combined 20 and 30-Year) the Gordon Marshall Trophy goes to Wild Rose, Roger Hickman.

Third 20-Year Veteran, the CYCA Trophy goes to Maluka of Kermandie, Sean Langman.

Second 20-Year Veteran, the CYCA Trophy goes to Love & War, Simon Kurts.

First 20-Year Veteran, the CYCA Trophy goes to Wild Rose, Roger Hickman.

Third 30-Year Veteran, the CYCA Trophy goes to Enchantress, John Willoughby.

Second 30-Year Veteran, the CYCA Trophy goes to Maluka of Kermandie, Sean Langman.

First 30-Year Veteran, the CYCA Trophy, Love & War, Simon Kurts.

Third Corinthian Division, the CYCA Trophy goes to Quetzalcoatl, Antony Sweetapple Anthony Bruce, James Lee-Warner.

Second Corinthian Division, the CYCA Trophy goes to Inner Circle, Darren Cooney.

First Corinthian Division, the York Family Trophy goes to She’s The Culprit, The Culprit Syndicate.

Presentation for Outstanding Contributions to Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race: Robert ‘Biddy’ Badenach and Martin James.

Special Trophy goes to ‘JBW’ John Winning.

First Yacht under 18.5m LOA across the Finish line, the Apollo Trophy goes to Ichi Ban, Matt Allen.

First Small Boat across the Line, the Battery Point Trophy goes to Kraken, Todd Giraudo.

Third IRC Overall, the RYCT Trophy and Replica goes to Ariel, Ron Forster and Phil Damp

Storm Bay Cup and Replica.

Second IRC Overall, the City of Hobart Trophy and Replica goes to Chutzpah, Bruce Taylor who also receives the Bass Strait Cup and Replica and Solo Trophy and Replica.

CYCA Trophy

Designer of Winning Yacht, the Alan Payne Memorial Trophy and Replica goes to Wild Rose, Farr Yacht Design.

Navigator of Winning Yacht, the Bill Owen Memorial Trophy and Replica goes to Wild Rose, Jenifer Wells.

First IRC Overall, the Tattersall’s Cup and Replica goes to Wild Rose, Roger Hickman who receives the CYCA Trophy, RORC Plaque and Replica, the Government of Tasmania Trophy and Replica and Rolex watch.

On receiving the Tattersall’s Cup and being presented with the Rolex timepiece by Jean-Noel Bioul, Rolex SA, Hickman responded: “The gravity of winning this iconic yacht race is just starting to sink in. I want to thank every single boat owner and crew – thanks to all competitors for a great race.

“It’s a privilege to sail with your family and friends and I am very proud to be associated with the Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania – my first club – and the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia. Rolex is a dream – from their watches to their sponsorship,” said the 2014 CYCA Ocean Racer of the Year.

“Last year I said this is a great place and a great race – but it’s more than that – it’s a wonderfully great place and a wonderfully great race,” Hickman ended.

The Cruising Yacht Club of Australia congratulates all winners and every competitor in the 2014 Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race. We look forward to seeing you on the start line in 2015.

By Di Pearson, Rolex Sydney Hobart media

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