Mooloolah River bar update – Be aware

Maritime Safety Queensland has issued a Notice to Mariners (465(T) regarding the Mooloolah River Bar.

Anyone using the coastal bar is advised that a hydrographic survey of the Mooloolah River and its coastal bar on Thursday 16 November showed a shoal patch extending from the end of the eastern breakwater in a westerly direction past the centreline of the channel. The shoal has a least depth of approximately 1.6 metres at low tide on the entrance channel's centreline, as well as a least depth of approximately 1.5 metres at LAT, towards the channels eastern edge.

There is deeper water to the west of the channel's centreline.

Map S11-369, attached, shows the extent of the shoaling.

The cutter suction dredge Saibai will continue dredging operations until further notice. The dredge will exhibit day shapes and lights as required by the Collision Regulations and the dredge master will maintain a listening watch on VHF Channels 73, 12 and 16.

Mariners must carefully consider the position of the Saibai and its floating pipeline when navigating the bar. Contact the dredge master if you have any concerns about the safe passage of their vessels past the dredge.

Mariners should navigate with extreme caution in the area and also remain mindful of their wash and the operational speed limit of 6 knots in the vicinity of anchored vessels.

Masters of smaller recreational boats, personal watercraft and passive craft like kayaks and canoes, must remain mindful of the heightened risk to larger vessels navigating the river entrance and coastal bar. Except for entering and departing the river, these smaller vessels and passive craft should keep well clear of the coastal bar and not use it for recreational purposes.

Mariners must remain mindful that coastal bars are dynamic in nature with conditions constantly changing. Mariners must plan their crossing of the Mooloolah Bar, having careful consideration to prevailing conditions, the state of the tide, and the draught of their vessels.

The coastal bar must be navigated with extreme caution.

Mariners are also reminded that the Mooloolah River entrance is defined as a coastal bar. This means that each person on board an open boat less than 4.8 metres in length must wear an appropriate life jackets while the boat is crossing the coastal bar.

Charts affected: 235
Latitude and longitude positions are on WGS84 horizontal datum and are compatible with GDA94 datum.

Phone: 07 3632 7500

With thanks to Tony Young for bringing this to our attention.

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MultiHull Central Corsair 880
Cyclops Marine
M.O.S.S Australia
MultiHull Central Corsair 880
West Systems