Ultims Race Update

At 1600 nautical miles to Cape Horn race leader Charles Caudrelier has paused his attack and slowed Maxi Edmond de Rothschild down to 6.5kts whilst he waits for two brutal storm systems to pass him by and ensure he does not get hammered at Cape Horn. His lead over second placed Armel Le Cléac’h (Maxi Banque Populaire XI) is 3,360 nautical miles, or about five days. Le Cléac’h has routed north of New Zealand to miss a nasty storm phase but he is still making more than 30kts averages eastwards. Thomas Coville (Sodebo Ultim 3) is pit-stopped in Hobart in third place. In fourth Anthony Marchand (Actual Ultim) is 1600 miles from Cape Leeuwin and making modest progress in a complicated weather system. Adagio (Éric Péron) is 700 miles or so north west of the Kerguelens and making good miles.

Text Credits: ARKEA Ultim Challenge
Video Credits: NEFSEA Productions/PolaRYSE 

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