Two Aussie crews in top 10 at 470 Worlds

The Australian Sailing Team crews of Elise Rechichi and Tessa Parkinson , and Mathew Belcher and Malcolm Page remain in the top ten at the 470 World Championship in Rungsted, Denmark, after five days of racing.

Rechichi and Parkinson hold down fifth position after a 12th and sixth in Thursday's two races. Lisa Westerhof and Lobke Berkhout of the Netherlands are the runaway regatta leaders and currently have a 14 point lead over second position.

With two gold fleet races left to run on Friday and the medal race on Saturday there is still plenty of time for the Olympic Gold medallists to close the gap to the leaders.

In the men's fleet Mathew Belcher and Malcolm Page continue to work their way up the leader board and are currently in seventh position, with just 15 points separating the top seven crews the World Championship is still anybody's to win.

“It has been a week of ‘what if's' for us so far,” said Page. “Our lack of preparation and racing at the top level as a team is showing as we've made some silly mistakes, and given away easy points, some of them inexcusable.”

“But this has made us angry, but more importantly HUNGRY! Even with these errors we have plenty to lose and plenty to fight for. I'm sure the last two gold fleet races before the medal race will bring some new surprises. We need to be tough and fight for every metre and then the results will work themselves out. We look forward to the battle.”

The Australian Sailing Development Squad crew of Sam Kivell and Will Ryan now sit in 14th position in the gold fleet, down from their high of fifth the day before.

“It was a tough day on the water for us,” said Kivell. “Little mistakes we could afford to make in the qualifying races get magnified in gold fleet and cost you a lot more. On a positive note we're learning a lot from the experience and are hoping for a solid day tomorrow.”

West Australians Stacey Omay and Chelsea Hall had a great day of racing in the women's silver fleet, winning both races to extend their lead to seven points. The ASDS crew has now won three of the four silver fleet races.

Fellow Australians Jacqui Bonnitcha and Claudine Olgilvie have moved into the top 20 in the silver fleet and are currently 19th .

In the men's bronze fleet Sydney brothers Alexander and Patrick Conway put in a stellar performance to win both of the day's races and move up the ladder to second position, just four points off the lead. The race wins were not only their first of the regatta but their first top five finishes.

Max Taylor and Klade Hauschildt finished the day in sixth place and are still in with a shot of victory in the bronze fleet with two races left to run.

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