Sailor texts girlfriend for help after yacht sinks in Bristol Channel

Do you ever get annoyed when a couple sits in a coffee lounge and one of them spends the whole time on their mobile phone, while the other sips coffee and looks bored? Well apparently there is a genuine use for the damn things. This bloke used his to text his girlfriend for help. He probably had to wait a while until she'd finished taking selfies with it, posting pictures of her lunch and “sharing” on Facebook, but help was eventually summoned.

However, as the RNLI says later in the article, he should have had a VHF radio…

By Ken McCormick, Bristol Post

VOLUNTEER rescuers from Weston-super-Mare's lifeboat station rescued a yachtsman whose boat sank in the middle of the Bristol Channel.

The man managed to get ashore on uninhabited Steep Holm Island, then sent his girlfriend a text message asking her to get help, the RNLI said today.

The two-and-a-half-hour drama unfolded yesterday shortly before 3pm, when the Coastguard received a call alerting them to the emergency.

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