Sail Port Stephens in pictures

Port Stephens turned on great weather and great hospitality for its annual race week in 2021. Here is a collection of photos from the event, courtesy of sponsor Pantaenius Sail and Motor Yacht Insurance.

IRC division three fleet let by Justadash. Photo Saltwater Images.
IRC division three fleet let by Justadash. Photo Saltwater Images.
Sail Port Stephens © Salty Dingo 2021 CG
Sail Port Stephens 2021 Race 2 Commodores Cup. Pic_Roni Bintang.
Sail Port Stephens © Salty Dingo 2021 CG
Sail Port Stephens. Photo © Nic Douglass @sailorgirlHQ
Sail Port Stephens. Photo Craig Greenhill/Saltwater Images.
Sail Port Stephens. Photo Craig Greenhill, Saltwater Images.
Wilson and the Lu Lu Belle crew. Photo Saltwater Images.
Wilson and the Lu Lu Belle crew. Photo Saltwater Images.
Hooligan in the box-seat. Salty Dingo pic.
Sail Port Stephens © Salty Dingo 2021 CG
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