The change of logo will be made progressively throughout 2019 on the official class website and on official documents and paperwork.

O'pen Skiff logo

The re-branding as O’pen Skiff is a perfect fit for our dinghy, which takes its place in the line of modern skiffs such as the 29er, the 49er and the Australian 18ft Skiff. Numerous ex-O’pen BIC champions are currently racing at top level in 29er, and are aiming for the 49er class and possible Olympic selection. The O’pen Skiff’s sharp, responsive steering and general vivacity, along with the fair-play spirit of the class, is an excellent way for young sailors to prepare for the step up to these super skiffs.

Reciprocal Charter offer for 2019/2020 season

Starting from now, if you reside in Australia and you enter a New Zealand event, or, if you reside in New Zealand and you enter and Australian event, we will give you FREE O'pen Skiff charter.

This is a small incentive to help with the costs and show our appreciation for supporting AUS and NZ events. This incentive is only available if the event is hosted in collaboration with either the AUS or NZ O'pen Skiff Association and charters are available. The first in policy still stands as always, so get in quick.