OGR Heading Deep South! Beyond the Roaring 40’s

Top Speeds In Competitive Southern Ocean Leg 2
Diversions, Whales and Big Waves in McIntyre Ocean Globe Race to Auckland

  • Yachts topping 20 knots speeds in classic Southern Ocean sailing. Pen Duick VI FR (14), Spirit of Helsinki FI (71), Translated 9 IT (09) and Maiden UK (03) lead a tightly grouped fleet. 
  • Sterna SA (42) slips lines from home port, Cape Town, two days after fleet depart for Auckland. 
  • Godspeed USA (01) arrive to hugs and kisses after 58 days sailing. 
  • Explorer AU (28) to depart Sunday – crew spot available on Explorer Leg 3&4.
  • Neptune FR (56) back racing after diversion to Port Elizabeth, SA, to repair rudder. 
  • Southern Ocean wildlife entertaining the fleet and time to reflect on race start.

Five days into Leg 2 of the McIntyre Ocean Globe and the fleet is experiencing classic Southern Ocean sailing, whales, albatross and settling in for the next month of adventure. With little over 200 miles separating the first 10 yachts and light winds ahead for the lead pack, it’s compelling viewing. Pen Duick VI, Spirit of Helsinki, Translated 9 and Maiden are ahead on the leaderboard, similar to the situation throughout much of Leg One, until the Finnish Spirit of Helsinki took the lead from Pen Duick after 36 days of racing. Will history repeat itself?

For more information, visit www.oceangloberace.com.

M.O.S.S Australia
Selden Asymetric Rib Technology
West Systems