Matador wins the Pallas Capital TP52 Gold Cup

Day 2 of racing in Act 4 of the Pallas Capital TP52 Gold Cup closed out the 2023 series on Sydney’s Pittwater today. Hosts, the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club, wisely opted to get racing away early at 9.30am, with the forecast for light westerlies expected to drop out completely by late morning.

Smuggler & Matador battle for overseas series win
Smuggler & Matador battle for overseas series win

In beautiful winter morning sunlight the fleet of five boats enjoyed two inshore races in Towlers Bay – with a shortened course in Race 2 – perfectly timed by the Race Committee, as the light breeze panned out completely at midday.

Craig Neil’s Quest picked the left hand side of the course in Race 1, finding a favourable lift to gain a comfortable lead to the top mark, holding first place through to the finish. The light breezes suited Quest and she backed up with a first in the second race; but Seb Bohm and his crew on board Smuggler had done enough in the four races on Day 1 to take out the overall win in Act 4.

At the series presentation following the completion of racing, RPAYC Director Julia Hornsby and Terry Whetton presented the prizes, with Craig Neil thanking the series sponsors Pallas Capital and Zhik for their support.

Matador in action
Matador in action

The 2023 Series TPR rating winner was David Doherty’s Matador, with Smuggler second, ahead of joint third place holders, Quest and Matt Donald’s Gweilo. Corinthian winner for the series was Mark Spring’s Highly Sprung.

Smuggler showing her style in wining act 4 in light winds
Smuggler showing her style in wining act 4 in light winds

For all other information on the TP52s, please visit:

Series Results:

1st Matador

2nd Smuggler

3rd Quest

3rd Gweilo

4th Zen

5th Highly Sprung

6th Denali

7th Secret Mens Business

8th First Light

9th Frantic

Quest leads the fleet in race 1 on Day 2’s racing
Quest leads the fleet in race 1 on Day 2’s racing

Dale Lorimer

Bow Caddy Media

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