Making Waves in Queensland!

On Friday 5th May, Making Waves Queensland took delivery of their latest program yacht “The Tribe” (a Farr 40) which was trucked all the way from South Australia, with Federal Member for Bonner Ross Vasta MP, Julian Martin, CEO of Making Waves and Operations Manager Wendy Tuck, on hand to celebrate the arrival.
The Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron in Manly Brisbane, will be home for the yacht and base camp for sailing programs for young people with disability and/or social disadvantage which, if all the yacht modifications can be achieved in time, are planned to commence in July 2023.
An outstanding fund-raising event was held at the Squadron the same night, with over 200 people attending and a goal of raising $50,000 to assist in covering all the costs to get the yacht ready for service and set up the programs. To say the goal was exceeded is an under-statement and the enormous generosity of all guests that night, the result was over $90,000!
“I am completely overwhelmed and extremely grateful to everyone who made this night, this result and the Making Waves program in Queensland such a great success” said Making Waves CEO Julian Martin. “We are so proud of what has been established in other centres around Australia, but Brisbane is going to knock it out of the park!”
The fund-raising night included silent & live auctions, live entertainment, presentation from Sam Kekovich, and for many, it was the first time they had even heard about the programs being made available for young people as outlined above from our Community to experience, learn and enjoy sailing.
Managing Director of Bartons Auto Group, Mark Beitz commanded everyone’s attention with his live auctioneering skills and added “I am just so proud to not only be a new member of the Squadron and owning my first boat, but for my wife Gaylene and I to be able to support this amazing initiative is just the best feeling I can imagine.”
Peter Lewis, President of Making Waves said “The tremendous success and support from the Squadron and the local Community has created an opportunity for Making Waves to establish a permanent base in Queensland to serve over 2000 people living with disability and disadvantage in our programs over the next coming years. This is a vital part of our strategy moving forward. Thank you to all those involved”
Further information regarding the event or assisting with the programs as a volunteer or contributor, can be obtained by contacting Karen Baldwin, CEO of Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron,

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