Is this the foiling Mini of the future?

Now that the Mini 6.50 rule changes have been voted over the Christmas break, it is time to show you the complete picture. We have only been showing you images of half the boat for the past months.

The addition of the rudder gantry adds 1 meter of boat length for a faster and easier boat to sail.

Including bowsprit boat length reaches 11 meters while sailing.

Our understanding of the rule is that this arrangement is allowed.

This is the first offshore monohull capable of foiling.

Once contracted we looked at various options from a foiling point of view and concluded that surface piercing foils were the most realistic way at this moment in time to make the boat foil without the complexity of a heave control system.

Weather routing studies made it clear that foiling was possible only in specific conditions. We therefore developed a unique foiling arrangement which can be fully removed when not foiling to reduce wetted surface area. Foil is housed in a case which can be rotated in 3 directions (4 dofs box)

A single 2 stage daggerboard provides enough area when sailing upwind and can be raised when foiling, with only the equivalent of a windsurf aileron remaining in the water.

The scow hull shape was favoured and rather full sections developed to facilitate early take off. Take off speed being a critical factor due to the relatively high displacement of Mini 6.50 relative to hull length.

This Mini 6.50 project is a currently in build at Knierim Yachtbau in Germany and due to be launched this year for the 2021 Mini Transat.

Project information CLICK HERE

Thomas Tison


M.O.S.S Australia
JPK 11.80 July 2024
MultiHull Central Corsair 880
Cyclops Marine