Courses shifted as Audi Hamilton Island Race Week suffers from lack of wind

All divisions apart from the IRC grand prix fleets had a mixed bag today, enjoying plenty of warm winter sunshine, cloudless skies and conditions “just like the postcards” commented Balance skipper Paul Clitheroe, but with one important ingredient noticeably absent – wind.

The first start was due to get away at 1030hrs in the Southern start area but despite the best race committee's attempts those that managed to start were called back shortly afterwards as races were subsequently abandoned.

The impressive fleet of 150 plus whiled away the hours, crews swimming and enjoying the tropical sunshine until regatta director Denis Thompson moved all nine divisions to the north of Dent Passage and sent them on an alternate 15 nautical mile course which kicked off at 1330hrs.

In a 6-11 knot NNW breeze the fleet island hopped around Denman Island to White Rock and back, tactician on Bernie van't Hof's Swan 45 Tulip Sean Kirkjian reporting a very pleasant sail and breeze the whole way around.

Results for today's race are available at

Owing to the continuing light air forecast, tomorrow's Club Marine Classic Long Race will be replaced with a short round-the-islands race with the IRC grand prix divisions first off at 11am from the Southern start line. The long race may be rescheduled later in the week when the trade winds are forecast to return to the track.

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