Aussie applies for Global Solo Challenge 2023

Two years away a new solo sailing circumnavigation race will be heading off. The organisers for this race have intentionally restricted certain parameters to make the race as affordable and as competitive as possible.

Global Solo Challenge offer the ultimate challenge to eager solo sailors. While there are other events that involve sailing across the ocean, few provide the chance to sail around the world. Those that do exist require unattainable budgets or have very stringent formats. This event is intended to provide an alternative.

Australian sailor Kevin Le Poidevin has already submitted his entry. He started sailing on Queensland’s Gold Coast back in 1982 while a volunteer at Southport Surfers Paradise Air Sea Rescue.

Now his sailing has taken him from Langkawi Malaysia; through the Malacca and Singapore Straits; South China Sea; Indonesian archipelago; over desolate Cape York peninsula at the top of Australia; out through our magnificent Great Barrier Reef and the length of the east coast to Hobart. Poidevin has completed multiple trans-Tasman solo crossings to and from New Zealand, while also enjoying local racing at Port Stephens Yacht Club.

Poidevin calculates he has probably close to 50000 nautical miles under a few different keels, with more than half doing what he enjoys most: solo sailing.

Sailing around the world does not need to break the bank. Costs can be greatly mitigated by competing in an event that enables you to enter on widely available boats. The boat you sail should not be the measure of your achievement.

A core value of the GSC is that having the fastest yacht and/or the largest budget is no guarantee of winning the event. With staggered group departures, based on an IRC handicap, the event will provide constant intrigue as the faster yachts pursue the slower yachts, which have started earlier. First boat home is the winner!

For entrants and event followers alike, this will provide a fascinating event to watch as it unfolds – the ultimate pursuit race.

This format also provides a natural grouping together and inter-competitor safety net as the fleet passes through the notorious Southern Ocean.

Already the organisers have had 110 serious enquiries from 25 different nations, most already have their own yacht. Nine entrants have been accepted.

The unique format ensures everyone will stand a chance of winning. Find out how.

Jeanneau JY55
Selden Asymetric Rib Technology
JPK 11.80 July 2024
Selden Asymetric Rib Technology
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